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图书馆里过大年•游云端丨外国文学撷珍(Classics Reading)第43期:《我的叔叔于勒》







居伊·德·莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant,1850-1893),十九世纪后期法国杰出的批判现实主义作家。文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,被誉为“短篇小说之王”,与契诃夫、欧·亨利并列为世界三大短篇小说巨匠。代表作有《羊脂球》《我的叔叔于勒》《项链》《月光》等。















Every Sunday, however, we would go for a walk down by the docks,dressed in our best. My father, in a frock-coat, high hat, and gloves, would give his arm to my mother, who was bedecked like an ocean liner on a festive occasion. My sisters, always ready first, would wait for the signal to set out. But usually, at the very last moment, some stain that had to be urgently removed with a benzine-soaked rag would be discovered on the frock coat of the head of the family.

My father, his tall hat still on his head, waited in his shirt sleeves for the operation to be completed, while my mother hurried off to perform it, after putting glasses on her near-sighted eyes and taking off her gloves so as not to damage them.

Then, with great solemnity, we’d set out. My sisters walked in front, arm in arm. They were of marriageable age and had to be shown off in the town. I walked on my mother’s left and my father on her right. I can still remember the pompous air of my poor parents on those Sunday strolls; the stiffness of their walk, the sternness of their expressions. They moved with slow deliberation, their bodies held straight, their legs rigid as if something terribly important depended on their appearance.

And every Sunday, watching the big ocean liners from various faraway lands putting into the harbor, my father would repeat the very same words:

“What if Jules were on that one! That would be some surprise, wouldn’t it?”

——英文原文节选自“Uncle Jules”(Selected Stories, New York : New American Library, 1964.),索书号:I565.44/M452s/1964 ed.


dock  n. 船坞,码头
signal  v. 发信号,用信号通知
          n. 信号,暗号
remove  v. 移动,脱掉,调动,免职
damage  n. (有形的)损坏,损失;损害,伤害
          v. 损坏,损害;对……造成坏影响
stroll  n. & v. 散步;溜达;闲逛
faraway  adj. 遥远的;恍惚的


文案策划:图书借阅部 李圣昭 王熙

中文音频:图书借阅部 王熙

英文音频:图书借阅部 李圣昭

编辑:宣传小组 宋丙秀